My 1st Ever Blogger's Event & Supporting Autism Awareness

This is a sponsored post.

Lately there’s been an unmistakable shift in the dynamics of my little family. I can’t put my finger on exactly when it all started, but things are changing and I’m finding myself grasping for solutions to issues that I can’t believe we’re encountering. I was under the impression that as my kids got older, things would get easier. Instead I’m finding the opposite and often, feeling a little lost in the thick of motherhood.

Don’t get me wrong, we have two healthy and (usually) happy children. The issues we face are normal parts of the parenting process. Perhaps what’s been surprising me the most lately is how sensitive and emotional raising young children has made me. As a mother, I feel an innate connection to other mothers and a great responsibility to connect with and support them. Which is why when I was invited to attend a Comcast event in support of Autism Awareness Month I was excited about the opportunity. I knew I would learn new things and be surrounded by incredible parents which always helps when you’re feeling like you need some inspiration.

Some of you probably know Kristin Quinn, the super mom of Misadventures In Mommyhood blog. Kristin is a woman I both admire and appreciate. She may not even know this, but she’s always pushing me outside of my comfort zones.

It all started four years ago when Grayson was first born. I attended a “Bring Your Baby to Barre” class at her studio in Charlestown. Afterwards an opportunity came up for me to take over teaching the class at her studio. My first instinct was no way, I’ve never done something like this before. But Kristin encouraged me to do it and I ended up taking it on. To this day my Mom and Baby classes are some of my most impactful. I honestly don’t think I would have ever considered teaching Mom and Baby workouts or creating my stroller bootcamp if it hadn’t been for Kristin.

Fast forward to this month when Kristin invited me to attend the Comcast event in honor of Autism Awareness Month as a blogger. Once again, I hesitated. Am I a blogger? I’ve never done something like this before so I was a little nervous about what to expect. I got the vibe we wouldn’t exactly be working out in the Xfinity store. In fact, I had to confirm with my friend Sarah, who also attended the event, that we should wear “real” clothes. Talk about outside of my comfort zone.

[Side note, you guys also probably know Sarah of I drove with Sarah to the event and I’m so happy we got spend time together time chatting all things Mom, babies and fitness. Uninterrupted adult talk is coveted these days.]

The event was amazing. When I think of Comcast or Xfinity I think of incredible entertainment options. (Well, I also think of moving and having to coordinate the Comcast set-up, but that’s less fun.) At the event my eyes were opened to the fact that Xfinity products are not just for entertaining. Xfinity has developed innovative technologies that literally changes lifestyles for families. 

The most moving part of the evening was meeting a woman named Anne who son Jake is 26 years old and has autism. Anne talked about how Jake was diagnosed with moderate Autism at age 4.5. Immediately my mind went to my own son Grayson who is this exact age and my heart broke for her. Imagining her worries, her struggles and her journey was overwhelming. Anne said that as her son grew older she could see he was craving independence and she also needed some freedom. She decided to set up her Xfinity home camera and left him alone for the first time overnight. She was able check in on him and see him on her Xfinity Home Security and all went well! Using her cell phone or iPad to connect she knew not only that her son was safe but she helped him earn a sense of independence and pride that he had never felt before. This is technology making an impact. The feeling you get when you know your child feels proud of themselves is priceless.

 My heart was beaming for this mother and the fact that so many other families, including those who have children with Autism, can also make sure their children are safe when they are not home. Xfinity Home allows you to stay connected to your house while on the go using your mobile device or the free Xfinity Home app. You can even set up notifications to let you know when a door is opened or manage energy consumption by controlling lights and your thermostat remotely.

 You can watch Anne’s entire story here. It’s emotional. We watched it at the event and I fought back a few tears telling myself to pull it together and not cry at my first real bloggers event.

 I’m so impressed by Comcast and for their leadership in Autism Awareness. At the event I learned that all you have to do is say “Autism” in your X1 Voice Remote and select Autism Awareness Month and you’ll see a variety of curated content. I tried this as soon as I got home and impressed by husband with how simple it was and how savvy I could be. We also both agreed that while the Voice Remote option is incredible, we will continue to hide it from our Paw Patrol obsessed 4 year old for now…

I realized after an evening with Comcast that the X1 system provides a peace of mind for parents. As I’m going through right now, with my own children and all the ups and downs, life is stressful. I think all parents, not just those with children who have Autism can agree that any tool or technology that aids in making life just a little bit easier is valuable.

Thank you to Comcast for having me and sponsoring this post. You showed me the many tools that are literally right at my fingertips to help with life with littles. I feel very fortunate to have attended an event led by an incredible company that is paving the way in Autism Awareness and proving that accessibility is for everyone and an attainable way of life.


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